Grah Shanti Pujas - Live Online Puja

| Live Online Puja |

Shanti Puja for the Navgrahas (9 Planets) that rule our life.

Surya Grah Shanti Puja for Good Health and Job Perspectives

Chandra Grah Shanti Puja for Emotional Stability and Peace.

Mangal Grah Shanti Puja for Courage and winning over Enemies.

Budh Grah Shanti Puja for Business and Communication Skills.

Brihaspati Grah Shanti Puja for Relationship and Education.

Shukra Grah Shanti Puja for Relationship and Luxuries.

Shani Dev Puja for Health, Wealth, and Career.

Rahu Dev Shanti Puja for Wealth and Worldly Gains.

Ketu Dev Shanti Puja for empowering your Karmas,
Spiritualism, and Moksha

Got Questions? Contact Us Now:

Contact Number:

+ 1 – 647-741-0400 (Canada & USA #) 

+ 91 – 888-268-1484 (India # – WhatsApp)
